May Updates

1 minute read

I felt kinda bad writing the technical parts about my cluster and not giving some personal life updates, so here goes:

Number one: I got married! Yep, I’m now one of those men that wears jewelry haha You can see more details about it on my main wedding site, I know I’ll forget to update this later but currently it’s at

Number two: I got a new job I’m still doing devops stuff despite grinding LeetCode with my buddy Scott two hours a day three times a week before work. I passed a few preliminary interviews but everyone stopped hiring :/ New job is pretty great, just not as social as I had hoped.

Number three: I’m an artist I read (consumed via audiobook?) Rick Rubin’s book and it really hit home. I’ve decided to shed more insecurities and shoulder more responsibility to create and put myself out there. Is Software Artist a profession?? I’ve just filed the paperwork to incorporate and CA is giving me two years to make $800… It’s time to stop putting all my eggs in the basket of the 9-5, to start creating, growing, living, and experiencing.

Number four: idk There’s been a lot and I hope to start posting more often. I’m still not sure which genre to keep this blog in as I metamorphisize into an Artist. I look forward to experiencing the journey with whoever happens to read this.